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Level 30

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:09:32

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Rules :

- DO NOT post answers, links, screenshots or level's elements. You'll get banned if you spoil the pleasure of others, even if they ask for.

If you request some help :

Don't be too specific but don't be too vague. It's rather hard to find the right way to ask but imagine yourself in a room with other players. You can't whisper and you need to solve a riddle, you have the right to ask for a clue those who have already solved it, but you don't want the other players to find before you. To understand what you're asking for, one should be at the same step. Don't spoil the steps for the others ! You can use metaphors if you want. Show us that you're smart!

Read this topic carefully, your question may have already been asked (and answered). There's no need to ask the same question twice, even if there's no answer.

If you help somebody :

Don't help him too much, don't deprive him the pleasure to find by himself, just guide him on the way without being too specific, using as much images, metaphors and maybe other riddles as you can. After all, you're smart too ;)!

If everybody plays by the rules, things will be much more funny and no one will get hurt.

Write in a correct language, ban SMS style and try to avoid spelling mistakes as much as possible.


at the source of every road, there is a map.  I'm going from A to B.  I've found what I need, but I don't know to if I need to include the whole answer. Any help?

bidipe : you have just to drive... that's all ;)

Last edited by bidipe (2006-12-06 07:30:22)


I made the connection, but I don't know the rule for rue. Take it or leave it?


"rue" means "street" in french, but I don't know if it is what you're asking for ...

Last edited by tjpsi (2006-12-07 01:51:57)


Ok after looking at point A and B and looking at the path... I don't get it haha



Like ShadowPuppet, I think I have all I need: two addresses that correspond to point A and B, and a visual of how to get from one to the other.  I've tried typing in several rues, but with no luck.  I think I am missing where the hand comes into the puzzle, if at all.


Sadly I think this is the one that will break me.
I know what A and B are, but I can't narrow down their physical locations to any reasonable degree. I can see the website matching A and I can see where it says where it is, but I can't understand / translate / identify a physical address that I can find on a road map. I can see "A**** d* Z**" on a map of the area, but that doesn't even match their own website. And from what I can tell from the other side of the Earth, there are multiple roads between there and where the map is telling me "B" is.
So, this particualr level has gone from "solve this puzzle" to "research 27 websites in French or badly-translated quasi English and guess which of the 20-odd roads between where point A might be and where point B might be is the correct one. Oh and guess the spelling, and exactly how much of the street name needs to be entered." :-
So thanks for the fun, while it lasted.


Dave, I had the exact same problem.  However, after playing with the puzzle a bit, you will learn that there are only a limited number of paths you can take.  As much as I hate to say it, this one was most certainly "guess and check" for me.:|


This one is starting to p me off. After reading all this, I'm pretty sure of the two exact locations. But I've tried to enter pretty much every rue in the vicinity with no result. I'm thinking of driving there tomorrow and take note of every damn street sign I can find. Or just quit playing the ******* game. Can someone PLEASE give a useful hint, a first letter or something, or even if it's a damn htm or html... Am I even on the right track here? The way I see it, there really are only a few paths a sane person would drive that short distance. What am I missing?

Last edited by GoogleMoon (2007-01-10 20:39:18)



You really do need a hand.  Think about what you are given to begin with.  What worked for me was putting myself in the drivers seat and going for a ride.


Citation de: GoogleMoonThis one is starting to p me off. After reading all this, I'm pretty sure of the two exact locations. But I've tried to enter pretty much every rue in the vicinity with no result. I'm thinking of driving there tomorrow and take note of every damn street sign I can find. Or just quit playing the ******* game. Can someone PLEASE give a useful hint, a first letter or something, or even if it's a damn htm or html... Am I even on the right track here? The way I see it, there really are only a few paths a sane person would drive that short distance. What am I missing?
If you have the map and the positions plotted, all that's left is to use your hands ;)


Have you ever come across people who don't know the street names but still know how to get there? :)


Citation de: DaveHave you ever come across people who don't know the street names but still know how to get there? :)
I  did it 1st try on accident without finding anything.. O.O   I had to go back so that i knew how i was to do it incase future levels referenced it.

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