
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par Swan
 -  1 Décembre 2006, 13:22:49
These levels are like a training course and you will not get help from the forum for these ones, except these extra clues.

Why ?

Because the difficulty grows quickly and if you don't learn to search by yourself, you'll be lost for the next levels, even with the help of the forum.

Don't try to email a moderator to get help for these levels, you will not get more in private.

I highly recommend you to read these game rules, you'll find some hints to get started. Check this forum for tutorials if you encounter issues with your softwares, if it's not in this section it's surely here.

Good luck ! And be patient and you'll enjoy the game a lot more.

Here is a link to cheer you up !