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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par darkpaladinzz
 -  5 Juillet 2007, 16:02:50
these two hints will most likely be the best hints :

1.trial and error
2.remember the 3 things to look out for : the title, the url and the clues
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 18 Avril 2007, 02:05:48
Citation de: Zamite626Im not stumped, i know exactly what to do, it just seems my answer is always wrong. Ive resorted to writing down all the possible answers, because as far as i can tell there are only f*** d********* that you can even submit. This obviously isnt how your supposed to get it but why is my m** wrong? Some kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

Added Sat Apr 14 02:41:26 2007 :
I just got it using that method but i still feel cheap, can anyone tell me what i did wrong?
Sorry I don't know what you did wrong, because I did the same thing. I found out all the info I needed, but I just don't know enough French to easily find the
. If it's any consolation, I know I'm not alone in doing it the way you did.
Posté par Zamite626
 - 14 Avril 2007, 02:38:47
Im not stumped, i know exactly what to do, it just seems my answer is always wrong. Ive resorted to writing down all the possible answers, because as far as i can tell there are only f*** d********* that you can even submit. This obviously isnt how your supposed to get it but why is my m** wrong? Some kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

Added Sat Apr 14 02:41:26 2007 :
I just got it using that method but i still feel cheap, can anyone tell me what i did wrong?
Posté par Fenix
 - 21 Février 2007, 01:01:28
I shouldnŽt probably say so, but I had this solved in 30s by accident >:-)
Posté par moochthemighty
 -  9 Février 2007, 17:37:12
When all else fails... trial and error works wonders ;-)
Posté par giega
 - 30 Janvier 2007, 23:52:49
Citation de: ddi just solved this puzzle rather quickly.  i kinda played around and found out the solution paramater, and then noticed that i had a 1 in 16 chance to guess the solution, and then guessed it that way.  i think i know how to go about solving it the way we're supposed to, but i was too lazy to find exact... route.  do you think that's okay?
I would guess so, but wouldn't you want to learn why?
Posté par dd
 - 30 Janvier 2007, 23:48:37
i just solved this puzzle rather quickly.  i kinda played around and found out the solution paramater, and then noticed that i had a 1 in 16 chance to guess the solution, and then guessed it that way.  i think i know how to go about solving it the way we're supposed to, but i was too lazy to find exact... route.  do you think that's okay?

Last edited by dd (2007-01-30 23:49:21)
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 17:05:28
Citation de: Jai spencerIt seems my directions are incorrect also, i need to be more precise with my address's i have been advised, but yet to try. (Thank you K, it's appricaited!)

I hope this helps buddy, this level is really bustin my balls!

Well, it seems that you know where your flaws are. Address those first and you'll be able to use either the written directions or the map itself to get to where you need to go!  :)
Posté par Jai spencer
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 16:51:27
It seems my directions are incorrect also, i need to be more precise with my address's i have been advised, but yet to try. (Thank you K, it's appricaited!)

I hope this helps buddy, this level is really bustin my balls!


Last edited by Jai spencer (2007-01-25 16:52:05)
Posté par manofmiftery
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 02:25:50
ahh am I stupid? it's so few t****  that i should be able to guess it, but I can't for some reason, and the directions I have don't work for some reason.
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 02:07:31
Citation de: manofmifteryOk, I've found the addresses and entered them in the site... I think I know what to do with the clue about the hand, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help?
There's only so many things that you could do. Try them all! :)
Any hints at this point would simply give it away!
Posté par manofmiftery
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 02:04:53
Ok, I've found the addresses and entered them in the site... I think I know what to do with the clue about the hand, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help?
Posté par manofmiftery
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 01:46:55
I'm having difficulty finding the address for B, I've googled it, but I can't seem to find it, can anyone help?

Added Thu Jan 25 01:54:16 2007 :
I think my B address is wrong, should A and B be in the same zip code?
Posté par bigshot
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 01:29:09
just for future reference, google map has a way of....misleading one unless one knows where one is being led to
Posté par Kiara
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 15:59:18
Citation de: Jai spencerIm still confused by this, im sure im right with my point A and B.
I have used the suggested web site, then guided by hand to
my point b, but still no luck...
could someone confirm i am coming and going to the right places
for me?

pm me with your notes and i'll try to help :)