
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par giega
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 18:05:53
See post #12 above. Also, see Tutorials at
Posté par neijie
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 17:54:19
My computer doesn't get any brighter; is there any other way to figure this one out?
Posté par JHolla
 -  6 Janvier 2007, 08:12:40
Using the right-click features that are available in the shockwave window might help you corner your problem.  It worked for me.  Another bright idea or two and you may well be enlightened.
Posté par locoperoguapo
 -  6 Janvier 2007, 07:54:29
I've looked at the picture in 100 different angles, ive tried to repaint everything. I still have no idea what to do. The remote control button works when i press it, but its all green (the image that comes up on the tv)  If someone can give a more concrete clue than "look at the title"   This is too dark doesn't help in trying to figure out what that means.  Thanks.
Posté par fuzen akuma
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 20:12:53
If the remote can't do it, then use your computer to do it. That was my thought process
Posté par michelle
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 16:25:15
okay well its posssible my suggestion wouldnt work.  "This is too dark.  But the remote doesnt work"

that is a statement to you, not so much an encrypted message.

Added Fri Jan  5 17:31:05 2007 :
* i didnt need any programs to find the answer.  but the program suggested should give you another idea what youre trying to do
Posté par phreakymonkey
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 16:25:06
You can download the Gimp for free for almost any platform. You will need an image manipulation program for this game.
Posté par SUFI
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 15:14:56
I've tried everything from adjust to 3d, what am I missing?????  Do I need photoshop, cuz I don't have that program on my PC

Last edited by SUFI (2007-01-05 15:28:31)
Posté par michelle
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 11:05:04
try looking at your screen from a different angle.  worked for me.
Posté par Arwen
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 01:32:06
The answer has to do with all the riddle. you have to look all the things on the page, all ^^
Posté par SUFI
 -  5 Janvier 2007, 00:18:09
Does the answer have to do with the tv and remote, or with the person on the tv???
Posté par phreakymonkey
 -  4 Janvier 2007, 23:29:47
It's pretty obvious... what do you do in this sort of situation?
Posté par SUFI
 -  4 Janvier 2007, 23:02:26
So I tried to use the heading and the clue!!  Still can't figure it out, can anyone give me a better clue???
Posté par phreakymonkey
 - 13 Décembre 2006, 02:49:18
The clue and the title should give you all you need to know.
Posté par prosu
 - 13 Décembre 2006, 01:31:32
Does it work on your screen?