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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par No It Isn't
 -  3 Janvier 2007, 03:05:57
What do you guys mean by looking at it from a different angle?

Haha I almost had a seizure from staring at the screen for so long
Posté par HaklePrime
 - 29 Décembre 2006, 03:48:49
Citation de: usernameI finally managed to get past this one after spending much time trying to translate the screen and wondering what Orlando Bloom had to do with this.

My question is, in retrospect

[spoiler]The bits I did manage to translate were Of: ________ Main(?) event____ and Cinema: _________Kingdom of Heaven.  I'm just curious if my translation work was even close to accurate, and if it gave me a clue that just went over my head?  Thanks.[/spoiler]
The bits you managed to translate were spot on ;)
Posté par username
 - 29 Décembre 2006, 02:49:20
I finally managed to get past this one after spending much time trying to translate the screen and wondering what Orlando Bloom had to do with this.

My question is, in retrospect

[spoiler]The bits I did manage to translate were Of: ________ Main(?) event____ and Cinema: _________Kingdom of Heaven.  I'm just curious if my translation work was even close to accurate, and if it gave me a clue that just went over my head?  Thanks.[/spoiler]
Posté par anniespanny
 - 29 Décembre 2006, 01:05:46
Hey, guys i have thought long and hard, and i still can't get it. is it something to do with filming? like ca***** and stuff? and the ca***a an*l** that you can get? and does the page address have something in it that is significant? thanks

Added Fri Dec 29 02:27:54 2006 :
okay no worries, i was thinking too complicated. i got it now :)
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 28 Décembre 2006, 05:37:17
Citation de: CluelessThis level is driving me completely crazy.  I flew through the first 17 levels and have been stuck on this one for 4 days now.  I have gone at it from so many different directiona without any luck.  Am I supposed to know anything about the movie clip being played? because I don't.   Would searching the internet to try and discover what movie that comes from help me at all? 

I am more asking about what I don't need to do rather than what I do need to do.  Will knowing that scene help me?  Will translating the japanese help me?
Sometimes we just need to take a break and look at things from a different angle! ;)

glouton : it can also be usefull to read this thread carefully because a lot of hints have already been given.
Posté par Clueless
 - 28 Décembre 2006, 05:24:13
This level is driving me completely crazy.  I flew through the first 17 levels and have been stuck on this one for 4 days now.  I have gone at it from so many different directiona without any luck.  Am I supposed to know anything about the movie clip being played? because I don't.   Would searching the internet to try and discover what movie that comes from help me at all? 

I am more asking about what I don't need to do rather than what I do need to do.  Will knowing that scene help me?  Will translating the japanese help me?
Posté par guizmo
 - 27 Décembre 2006, 11:42:05
so, I'll answer your question, cause I'm the nice one here (beware the other frenchies... :P)

if an outside source is needed, there will be a google link
if not, everything you need is to think well

Last edited by guizmo (2006-12-27 11:43:19)
Posté par HaklePrime
 - 27 Décembre 2006, 11:08:14
This is probably less for this particular riddle, than it is for the majority of this game, BUT . . .

I pretty much breezed through the first 17, and found that whene'er a clue involved the Google link, it was generally pushing me to look up a specific bit of information that the normal person wouldn't know off-hand.

Now there's this one, where, it appears that I will need some sort of, Google/outside assistance, be it for translation or conjugation, whatever, yet there is no search bar in the clue.  This leads me to believe that all the information regarding the next solution is available to me, the normal schmuck who knows not a lick of Japanese, within the confines of the level's page, and the clue for the level.  However, I suspect this isn't the case.

I'm perfectly happy with no response, but, generally speaking, if an outside source is needed, via google or some other search engine, will there always be a google link in the clue?

EDIT:  Ok, i got it, like, 2 minutes after posting this question.  My question still stands though :P

Last edited by HaklePrime (2006-12-27 11:12:04)
Posté par glouton
 - 26 Décembre 2006, 01:37:59
Well, the clue is not here just for fun. You'd better think before asking for any further help because you're close to the flood.
Posté par wolverine
 - 26 Décembre 2006, 01:21:20
what is the japanese way of looking??? quick?  fast? backwards? upside down?
Posté par glouton
 - 26 Décembre 2006, 01:08:57
Absolutely not. It only depends on how you look at him. Try the japaneese way of looking.
Posté par wolverine
 - 26 Décembre 2006, 00:53:25
I still got nothing man!  I have tried everything imaginable as of yet...does it have something to do with him swinging his arm??
Posté par glouton
 - 26 Décembre 2006, 00:18:46
Hi dear hairy cousine,

The best way to solve a riddle when you're completely lost is to take a big breath and strike out at it on a different angle.
Posté par wolverine
 - 26 Décembre 2006, 00:11:56
somebody please help me figure this one out....i have tried everything and i dont understnad the hint.
Posté par phreakymonkey
 - 17 Décembre 2006, 10:54:57