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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par moochthemighty
 -  8 Février 2007, 21:12:30
Can  anyone post all the names on all the cards?  I can't read them all and I'm assuming this is suposed to be public knowledge...
Posté par Judas
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 20:33:40
check out post number 4
Posté par Lorax
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 20:25:08
Using the clue and knowing the names on the cards, I was able to come up with letters, they seem useless to me as any way I arrange them they make nothing.  I'm sure that everything I've done is right as I have followed what is said here.  Any extra push would really help.
Posté par Bellatrix
 - 22 Janvier 2007, 16:43:01
For all those who are stuck on this level.. Knowing how to count is helpful! Also, you should google the cards and see what exactly is written on them if you can't make them all out.

I, for example, couldn't :D
Posté par neverwhere
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 16:49:34
Citation de: sidewalksYeah it might"magically" find another internet page with that information, have you ever used a search engine before?
[spoiler]Actually, perhaps you should take your own advice and look up the word "obscure". Some of the actual names are a bit hard to make out, i.e. obscure. Black on black text can be a bit of a pain to read sometimes. Which I could have sworn the poster was referring to.

But thanks for the poor attitude, genius.[/spoiler]
phreakymonkey: Keep your off-topic posts and your flames out of my help forum. First and last warning. If you have a problem with the level, post in the Your Opinion forum. If you have a problem with someone's post, take it up with a moderator in private or click the 'Report' button.

Additionally, back to the topic at hand, there's plenty of information outside of the riddle for you to make quite a fruitful Google search with. It doesn't even take that much imagination and costs nothing to try as many queries as you like.
Posté par sidewalks
 - 11 Janvier 2007, 12:48:29
Yeah it might"magically" find another internet page with that information, have you ever used a search engine before?
Posté par jc9677
 - 11 Janvier 2007, 08:10:43
Does it matter that I can't read the names on all the cards?  Some names are too obscured for me to see.


phreakymonkey: Don't forget your friend below the clue.

So using Google will magically unobscure the names???? jc

Last edited by jc9677 (2007-01-11 08:20:37)
Posté par SamXp
 - 10 Janvier 2007, 20:22:58
Citation de: Falcon4Another similar but more appropriate clue would be:
queen of clubs = e
Honestly, I think that would be too obvious.
Posté par sidewalks
 -  9 Janvier 2007, 11:47:35
this one is incredible once you figure out what the clue means, and pay attention to the names of the cards
Posté par leeanneoz
 -  8 Janvier 2007, 08:36:24
stuck on this level....
researched the names of the cards....
but dont know how to proceed....??????
any more hints please?
Posté par eternalcrow
 - 25 Décembre 2006, 20:54:31
letter number five - I had to take an educated guess, but got it.
Posté par jobu
 - 20 Décembre 2006, 10:12:30
Actually I think the clue was quite appropriate... It's meant to mislead you, which is pretty common in this game!
Posté par Falcon4
 - 20 Décembre 2006, 06:57:15
Never mind, a little bit of more obvious help pushed me in the right direction! The clue does help, but in a really confusing way.

[****Spoilerish content removed****] - phreakymonkey

It should also be noted that the numbers do have something to do with a p******* of some kind, just not the cards' p********. Leave them where they are. :)
Posté par Arwen
 - 20 Décembre 2006, 06:32:28
Hmm ..... There is no suits/ranks to know and you don't need to know French card games. The only thing you need is the names of the cards ! And you must understand what the clue says
Posté par Falcon4
 - 20 Décembre 2006, 05:18:12
I've read this thread, I've asked a few people, I've searched all over the internet for the answer (itself), haven't found anything, haven't even gotten a CLUE on where to start!!

I have all the information in front of me. The numbers on the cards. The names on the cards. Wikipedia with the history. Another site with some tables with the names and suits/ranks. The clue. NONE OF IT makes ANY coherent sense! I can take the letters from the names and make nothing. I can take the numbers and punch them in as alt-codes and get nothing. I can take practically anything here and make absolutely nothing. The data is static. The clue says "card = card". The card it refers to is already the letter it refers to. There's no translation that can be done. There's no sequence here. There are no words. There is no input, translation, or output. There is NOTHING AT ALL I can work with!

I've read every piece of information I can find and still cannot find a single starting point for this obscene "riddle"... I haven't the slightest clue how anyone has managed to pass this level but they MUST have known some kind of French card game I'm missing...