
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par Gendo
 -  1 Février 2007, 23:43:07
Citation de: justineWell I'm stuck. I found the one big map, but I tried all the other URL changes I could think of and nothing worked. This is confusing.
hope I'm not telling to much but print out the map :)
Posté par tizzel
 -  1 Février 2007, 09:39:33
You have the map and the names of 34 cities... could it be more obviously? ;)
Posté par justine
 -  1 Février 2007, 04:07:01
Well I'm stuck. I found the one big map, but I tried all the other URL changes I could think of and nothing worked. This is confusing.
Posté par nosh
 - 31 Janvier 2007, 03:59:33
i dont recall anything about a tag, and rogers clue works just lke all the other clues
Posté par bschiltz
 - 31 Janvier 2007, 03:46:13
I'm confused about Roger's clue. Does it have anything to do with a tag?

Never mind, and no it doesn't.

Last edited by bschiltz (2007-01-31 03:55:10)
Posté par giega
 - 26 Janvier 2007, 13:42:05
You'll know when you get the answer. ;)
Posté par -=Grand=-
 - 26 Janvier 2007, 13:22:00
I have done something...I am sure there are letters there on the I on the right way???... :-

Last edited by giega (2007-01-26 13:41:28)
Posté par phreakymonkey
 - 12 Janvier 2007, 01:42:11
The map is of paramount importance.
Posté par lizasand
 - 12 Janvier 2007, 01:29:32
Well, now i dont get if the map its actually of says everything is on the diaries but then why i cant see it? :(
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 10 Janvier 2007, 23:13:14
Citation de: SamXpI'm staring at the names of all these cities and see no pattern. As Toma said, we aren't expected to map out every single one of the 34 cities. Or, are we?
Toma said: "You'll have names to read, but not on the map." not equal to.... Toma said, "we aren't expected to map out every single one of the 34 cities."
Posté par SamXp
 - 10 Janvier 2007, 21:31:08
I'm staring at the names of all these cities and see no pattern. As Toma said, we aren't expected to map out every single one of the 34 cities. Or, are we?
Posté par phreakymonkey
 -  2 Janvier 2007, 19:57:24
It seems pretty clear... it's nothing you haven't seen before.
Posté par ste150
 -  2 Janvier 2007, 19:48:37
Yep, I have no idea how to apply what it lead to though.. :)

Last edited by ste150 (2007-01-02 19:49:11)
Posté par phreakymonkey
 -  2 Janvier 2007, 19:46:35
Have you tried entering what you've found? :)
Posté par ste150
 -  2 Janvier 2007, 17:54:26

I have found all the pieces from the logs... And have assumed that the name of the location they give is related to the type path taken by the missing bird... but i have no idea how to implement it, other than with guesswork.
This has been bugging me for days.

Any gentle nudges?