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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par -=Grand=-
 -  9 Février 2007, 20:20:12
I am completely broken....please tell me does phrase "1 of 3" has any meaning?

Last edited by -=Grand=- (2007-02-09 20:20:30)
Posté par giega
 -  7 Février 2007, 19:54:51
Yes, Google is a must. Please read previous posts, a lot of help there.
Posté par -=Grand=-
 -  7 Février 2007, 18:18:46
Some words about best friend...

Is google really neccesary to solve this riddle or it can be solved, using only clues inside riddle(google can just help, like as in the previous level)?

Added Wed Feb  7 18:20:26 2007 :
I really dont know how to begin this one
And phrase "1 of 3.." is really confusing me

Last edited by -=Grand=- (2007-02-07 18:28:13)
Posté par tizzel
 -  6 Février 2007, 09:01:57
Then you are not using the right translation ;) Look at Giegas threads there is all you need...
Posté par Nerd
 -  6 Février 2007, 08:39:23
I can't comprehend the middle top and the bottom left squares to any fingerspelling. Hints please?

rodolfu: as giega wrote in the previous post there is a hidden hint that should help you avoid any confusion about the correct language. Once you get it there is no reason not to find the final solution
Posté par giega
 - 29 Janvier 2007, 14:41:04
OK, I think that you understand what the riddle represents. Like I said before, not all languages are created equal. You should know by now the correct language. Also, a big hint is hidden somewhere...
Posté par giega
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 15:09:34
Well, if you have the correct one, you should get correct answer, too. ;)
Posté par CC
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 15:07:24
Hmm do you mean the s***** because i've looked there. Thats how I know what I had to google.

Are you saying that there are more versions of it?
Posté par giega
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 14:56:25
There is a big clue buried somewhere... Remember, not all languages are created equal.
Posté par CC
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 13:30:52
Hey there!

Up intill now I've been able to solve the riddels on my own (although this forum helped allot on some).
But this one hs got me stumped. I've found what I had to google. I know what he is doing.
But the word I'm getting is not a word, I've tried putting the letters in a slightly different order and it does make a real word. But still it's not the right one.

I have absolutely no idea what to do now, if it's not the word then what is it?
Posté par Rachelle
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 06:09:48
always double check your answers ;)
Posté par Blarghster
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 06:04:54
I've been browsing these forums for quite a while and managed to get this far without actually asking for help!
I translated it using something, but that doesn't work. Am I on the right track or way off?

Edited by kRaZyKiRb: Please refrain from revealing crucial level elements. Do not deprive others the opportunity to discover these things on their own, just as you have!
Posté par phreakymonkey
 - 19 Janvier 2007, 08:58:39
Well, actually they are, but that's besides the point. Your ethnicity and physical location have nothing to do with your ability to solve this riddle.

Did you try asking your friend below the clue?
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 19 Janvier 2007, 06:54:33
Citation de: akarwsHi ;)
Posté par akarws
 - 19 Janvier 2007, 06:44:32
Hi :(
any help plz