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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par nosh
 - 22 Mars 2007, 13:59:46
interesting way to find a solution, very creative
Posté par bobsmiththethird
 -  4 Mars 2007, 02:54:45
ahh this is the first level I ever did, a friend brought it to school because he couldn't figure it out and I did it during english class hehe loved it! got me addicted! and I dont feel like it was all that hard, infact the forums arent even necessary until much later in the game, i feel like coming on here is cheating >.> if I get an answer and its wrong, i simply start again from a different angle.
Posté par guidedbylemons
 -  3 Mars 2007, 21:39:25
This one is a bit tough/unfair for being in the first 10. I have a beef with any level in this sort of game where you can figure out the main thrust of the puzzle but still be left stumped. Once you've figured out the meaning of the colors, looking at the words you get (rather than the l******) suggests a real recipe with one ingredient missing (vinegar). So you can solve the puzzle and arrive at an answer that fits all the available hints but still isn't right. Dead ends like this are extremely demoralizing and detract immensely from the fun of puzzle solving. If it were me I'd do something like #37 where wrong answers that you could arrive at by following the available hints lead to more hints. I had to go to the forum to find the "be more precise" hints for #9.
Posté par totti_gol
 -  6 Février 2007, 16:55:43
The worst level for me!
Posté par Xsar
 -  1 Février 2007, 21:21:50
First time I actually had to use the GIMP (or any other graphics prog)
Easy, but certainly well thought of
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 17:49:10
Yet another fun level. Not necessarily hard but definitely unique in it's method of obtaining its answer! Will there be more like this?  :P
Posté par Swan
 - 30 Novembre 2006, 14:53:19
Please rate this level and leave a message. Thanks !