
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par guidedbylemons
 -  3 Mars 2007, 23:42:22
Great one. I love the layers (and the layers, too :D)
Posté par Azazel
 - 28 Février 2007, 05:14:07
Very fun, one of the funner levels, actually.
Posté par -=Grand=-
 - 11 Février 2007, 19:48:02
Good gave me joy, when i came to the answer.

As always, I discover, that mostly levels are very easy, when thay are solved ;)

Last edited by -=Grand=- (2007-02-11 19:49:05)
Posté par tibaal89
 - 30 Janvier 2007, 02:54:06
Great level, one of my favorites...
Posté par Carol
 - 29 Janvier 2007, 21:03:50
Aplause, this one going into my favourites.
Posté par Deathscythe_H
 - 29 Janvier 2007, 03:09:53
This level sucked so hard, it made me so happy when I figured it out!
Posté par blearyeyedboy
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 18:48:59
*The first post of a noob- Please be gentle. ;) *

I spent ages staring at a white sheet on this one this one, then it clicked. You have to hold on though you might not see why immediately. Getting there's quite a drag, but reaps rewards with persistence. Have fun! :D

kRaZyKiRb: Post moved.
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 23:31:08
This level was awesome! It's was very tricky yet intuitive! The concept was definitely original!
I also enjoyed how it seem like the ride would never end! Definitely fun!!  :P
Posté par nosh
 - 19 Janvier 2007, 06:17:18
clever clever
Posté par Proteus
 - 18 Janvier 2007, 21:10:52
I'm learning! I'm learning! :))

Very clever level, one of my favs.
Posté par unicell
 - 12 Janvier 2007, 16:32:40
very clever!
Posté par Swan
 - 30 Novembre 2006, 15:10:28
Please rate this level and leave a message. Thanks !