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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par A Fire Inside
 - 11 Mai 2007, 16:39:28
Loved this one, the text was actually pretty humorous.

I did the actual content of it instantly, but couldnt figure out the shape. I was stuck on that part for a couple days, only to have my friend walk up and say "Dude, its just a ***"

X ]

Very brilliant.
Posté par amesbr
 -  9 Mai 2007, 06:43:28
I loved this one.
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 21 Mars 2007, 04:06:37
I was just fiddlin' around in photoshop as I ussually do when I'm stuck on a level, and I just decided to have a little fun. And then all the sudden I saw that I had just made the answer! Pretty cool how that worked, though a better clue might have been nicer. (though not necessary)
Posté par guidedbylemons
 -  3 Mars 2007, 23:39:01
One of my favorites :D I smacked myself on the forehead and thought "brilliant!" when I figured it out.
Posté par bobsmiththethird
 -  2 Mars 2007, 03:23:19
This took me dayssss!!!  I cried at the simplicity after I was done wahhhhh!
Posté par blearyeyedboy
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 18:55:17
You know, there are times a complex problem suddenly presents you with a childlike solution, and fills you with childlike glee. I loved this one! :D
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 23:15:22
grrrrr! This level was sooooooooo annoying!! It also took me days to figure out!
And yet? So simple! :)
Posté par Proteus
 - 18 Janvier 2007, 19:39:55
Very creative level.  Good thing I had my .4 year old show me how to do it :))
Posté par futurebreeze
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 14:51:10
ahhhh!!!! i Got it!!!!!
Yeah a 4 Year old child will do!!!!!!


Posté par xupaosso
 - 16 Janvier 2007, 10:55:32
I hated this one :(  First one that took me a few days to figure out.  I'm sure I'm in for more.
Posté par Swan
 - 30 Novembre 2006, 15:09:12
Please rate this level and leave a message. Thanks !