
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par Kagie
 - 20 Juin 2008, 12:42:56
Posté par Depep
 - 30 Juillet 2007, 21:03:14
I was actually surprised my first attempt worked here. The level was ok, but not really original.
Posté par lipstick
 -  9 Mai 2007, 16:24:20
Oh one thing I loved about this level, a great in-joke for anyone who likes Arrested Development (the tv show)!
Posté par amesbr
 -  9 Mai 2007, 05:13:33
Man I hate that hex editor...I'm not sure it there's a better one out there, but it took me forever to realize that my files were being altered when I wasn't saving changes.  I had to download each file new every time I edited, which probably ended up being about 10 times.  Kind of a pain in the ass.
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 27 Mars 2007, 06:04:21
It was set up really easily, but still difficult, which is nice. Still, the hardest part was figuring out how to use the hex editor, not so much the riddle. 4/5 ROCK ON!
Posté par lipstick
 - 25 Mars 2007, 13:54:04
I saw how to do this very quickly but the hex editor I used (first one listed in Wikipedia) did not let me open the resulting image. The riddle sets out very logically how to create the final image but I feel that in some hex editors using this method doesn't give you the answer. Of course I should read up more on the hex editor I used butI was thrown by this and thought I was doing it incorrectly.
Posté par guidedbylemons
 -  3 Mars 2007, 21:42:27
Great level. I'm a little curious why you used "30" instead of "00" though....
Posté par bobsmiththethird
 -  2 Mars 2007, 02:21:30
I just wish someone would have told me to hit replace instead of delete, took me forever to figure out how to work a hex editor, but thats all in the past now.
Posté par cotton_mary
 -  1 Mars 2007, 09:15:21
great one!
Posté par Bellatrix
 - 24 Janvier 2007, 11:56:38
Ohh, nice :)
Posté par eusipial
 - 22 Janvier 2007, 04:49:06
this level was awesome! thanks for all the fun hoops you have us jumping through swan
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 19:11:31
XOR and Hex Editors? I'm starting to feel like a walking encyclopedia!  :)
Posté par Krickett
 - 12 Janvier 2007, 18:50:37
Definitely way easier than the last level five minutes as opposed to 3 days.
It's all logic for this one.

kRaZyKiRb: Post moved
Posté par JHolla
 -  8 Janvier 2007, 10:39:57
Fun with the hex editor, wahooo!! tedious.
Posté par Swan
 - 30 Novembre 2006, 14:02:35
Please rate this level and leave a message. Thanks !
And don't forget to add 13.