
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par Eduardo
 - 10 Juillet 2007, 01:07:41
Well... it was cool and all, but I though it was a little easy, especialy if you passed the last 4 or 5 in a row...
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 22 Mars 2007, 23:22:05
A solid 4. Several cool little tricks, and I was pretty happy with the end result.
Posté par DrykeShadowhorn
 - 22 Mars 2007, 16:52:02
even though the idea is a fundamental thing that I know I have used at least 2 other times off the top of my head. I felt that it was a little too easy to get. My only problem is reading cursive >.<
Posté par nosh
 - 22 Mars 2007, 16:22:35
yay! dots =P
Posté par guidedbylemons
 -  3 Mars 2007, 22:28:46
Very inventive!
Posté par Xsar
 -  2 Février 2007, 20:34:44
Good one, I had not too much understanding about the utility to use..but google and the forum are your friends
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 18:49:39
Clearly the levels are getting harder. The different thought processes together with past solutions is awesome!
Posté par Grits313
 - 19 Janvier 2007, 07:18:51
OOOOOOH, i see. i got it now! tricky. very tricky one. i wont even say why, but it had me there.

post moved
Posté par Proteus
 - 12 Janvier 2007, 23:10:29
Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
Posté par Swan
 - 30 Novembre 2006, 14:57:41
Please rate this level and leave a message. Thanks !