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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par J. Salafack
 - 27 Novembre 2007, 08:58:05
Eh, I didn't really like it, or at least the first half of it. I just looked around. I found it in about three seconds, and the people I saw struggling with the level were disappointed because it just didn't seem all complex and cool like the others.
Posté par A Fire Inside
 - 12 Mai 2007, 17:01:46
The "Trick" didn't really work for me, so i was pretty much dissappointed. Much like the obvious level.

Still brilliant just for the sole fact that i look around and see people struggling. :D
Posté par DrykeShadowhorn
 - 22 Mars 2007, 17:04:53
needle in a hay stack imo >.> after searching for hours moving that image around and around, I finally found out some cool functions of flash games. mmmm I <3 Flash.

Edit: haha almost forgot beating my head against the desk wondering why my answer didn't work. Awesomeness :D

Last edited by DrykeShadowhorn (2007-03-22 17:06:28)
Posté par polkadots
 - 10 Mars 2007, 13:12:20
haha this level was tricky. the best one so far.:)
Posté par guidedbylemons
 -  3 Mars 2007, 22:34:10
Shrug. I guess stage 2 of this riddle does help us with later levels.
Posté par tadfg
 -  7 Février 2007, 10:29:18
i hate this lvl
Posté par Xsar
 -  2 Février 2007, 20:49:51
Nice touch..something that seems wrong might be correct in the long run
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 20 Janvier 2007, 19:15:19
Though this level was definitely easy, it was fun looking at my brother trying to figure it out for nearly an hour!  :P
Mind you, he already had the answer! :))
Posté par let it flow
 - 16 Janvier 2007, 17:36:00
I think level 19 is one of the easiest... at least much easier than 1-18... I needed ca. 5 minutes.. there is no "trick"... just look :)

Kfetman: Post moved
Posté par viker
 - 15 Janvier 2007, 17:16:54
um yeah. i got it just a couple minutes later.  by chance really.  very clever though!
Posté par Tomdom
 - 10 Janvier 2007, 14:57:00
Hey, just want to say, absolute genius! It took me ages but brilliant trick.

Edit - Toma : Post moved
Posté par Ionoone
 -  8 Janvier 2007, 23:19:18
hmmmm  interesting.....   good one...

glouton : move from Help to here where I assume it's more its place.
Posté par JHolla
 -  8 Janvier 2007, 11:11:47
This one would have been really hard for me if I did not have a bit of the same twisted thought processes as Swan: back around level 6 or 7 I started thinking, "Wouldn't it be sneaky if...?"  I love it!!
Posté par nutellaisforlovers
 -  8 Janvier 2007, 03:03:50
I almost died when I finally figured it out. Way to go!
Posté par Swan
 - 30 Novembre 2006, 14:59:55
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