
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par Depep
 - 23 Août 2007, 10:11:33
This one was too easy, but I'll give it 4/5 because it was so much fun!
Posté par amesbr
 - 14 Mai 2007, 18:22:04
I loved this one!  I also made myself some 3-D glasses to no avail, and there are still some parts that seem unaccounted for, but this may have been my favorite so far.
Posté par lipstick
 - 13 Mai 2007, 21:14:47
Great level, very inventive. But you're far too mean to those of us without printers! :)
Posté par bobsmiththethird
 - 26 Février 2007, 07:37:45
ohh boohoo I even brought glasses for you to school, I was the one who got stared at and scolded in chemistry for yelling out OMG IVE GOT IT!  even though I was only partially right lol.. whatever it worked, but you gatta help me on 53 tomorrow im stumped!
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 26 Février 2007, 07:04:11
I must say I love how well the answers popped out at me.
my only beef is the choice of colors... I spent two days trying to find a pair of 3D glasses lying around, and then....:|didn't help.
Posté par grimskies
 -  5 Février 2007, 17:55:38
Not difficult, but interesting. Don't do that at work... People were looking at me strangely...
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 21 Janvier 2007, 02:17:45
This level was fairly simple, but by far one of the most tedious levels as well!
But I least I know now what pliers are used for!! :))
Posté par Swan
 -  7 Décembre 2006, 00:42:57
Please rate this level and leave a message. Thanks !