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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par bobsmiththethird
 - 13 Août 2007, 17:17:14
wow, your "veryclose" so close it kinda hurts, I think swan is just one step ahead of you in omg you can do thatness?!?!  Just go one step further with what you believe the answer is.
Posté par Depep
 - 13 Août 2007, 14:51:54
I'd love to get to the interesting part of this riddle, but so far I haven't been able to get past part 2. I can't seem to figure out what the image represents. I thought it might be "o**************" or maybe "e**********", but these don't work. I've tried things like "****", or "r*****", without succes. At this point I'm just guessing words and I don't think that's the way to go. Can someone put me back on track?

Oh by the way, I noticed the input box is in another place than with the first part, is this relevant in any way?

Edit : Wooo ! Easy tiger !
Guys, could you go easy on the thinking out loud stuff ? It's a Help topic here, not a Give It Away one. ;)
And remember : on OF everything is relevant.
...Then again for this one, I'm sure, I don't remember...
...So maybe not...
...or maybe...
Anyway, happy to help. :P
(OK, ok, I'll check and I'll get back to you...)[/u][/b]

Sorry about that jeffw, I didn't know I was anywhere close to the solution. I just wanted to explain which way I was going, so someone could tell me if I was on the right track or way off.

Last edited by Depep (2007-08-14 14:48:16)
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 28 Février 2007, 05:28:17
Citation de: CrisisOk, I have been at this puzzle for hours and I can't get anything. I have found the
files and I have no idea what to do with them. I don't know how to continue.
now all you need to do is decipher. a hex editor would be really helpful, but not completely necessary.
Posté par Crisis
 - 28 Février 2007, 03:55:17
Ok, I have been at this puzzle for hours and I can't get anything. I have found the
files and I have no idea what to do with them. I don't know how to continue.
Posté par Jalsoph
 - 26 Février 2007, 06:56:09
If you've got a file that doesn't exist, you're probably looking in the wrong place.
This riddle has lot of places clues could be hidden, make sure you look at them all.
Posté par giega
 -  3 Février 2007, 20:03:01
Citation de: leaf013My file doesn't exist. I think I'm getting tired of these error messages lol.

I think I know how to get it to exist based on the rest of the riddle, but I can't for the life of me find a way to do it. Unless I just need to go looking for a new one... ideas?
I think you missed something. Perhaps a clue.
Posté par leaf013
 -  3 Février 2007, 17:39:03
My file doesn't exist. I think I'm getting tired of these error messages lol.

I think I know how to get it to exist based on the rest of the riddle, but I can't for the life of me find a way to do it. Unless I just need to go looking for a new one... ideas?

Last edited by leaf013 (2007-02-03 17:45:17)
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 27 Janvier 2007, 10:32:18
Citation de: ToxicaraI've found the W**, but can't do anything else with it! Stumped!
Can you please be more descriptive. what does this file say?
Posté par Toxicara
 - 27 Janvier 2007, 10:26:13
I've found the W**, but can't do anything else with it! Stumped!
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 26 Janvier 2007, 14:06:41
Citation de: ToxicaraYep! First bit was easy! Second bit seemed easy, but we have the text box to fill and that's what's confusing me! It's not as straight forward as the first bit is it?
Nope! You can't expect it to be so easy! It's level 47!!  ;)
Posté par Toxicara
 - 26 Janvier 2007, 13:23:47
Yep! First bit was easy! Second bit seemed easy, but we have the text box to fill and that's what's confusing me! It's not as straight forward as the first bit is it?
Posté par phreakymonkey
 - 16 Janvier 2007, 04:28:42
Perhaps things aren't quite so linear as all that. You're missing an important clue.
Posté par microuniversity
 - 16 Janvier 2007, 04:26:07
Heh well now that you say that, I suppose I'm not very sure.

I did one action, was given another riddle, and then I did a very similar action to that. Both actions were obvious to me because they were laid out in front of me. The third action I'm being asked to make is confusing me because I cannot see anything changeable that corresponds with what I've been given.

Last edited by microuniversity (2007-01-16 04:26:58)
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 15 Janvier 2007, 23:20:12
Citation de: microuniversityI've figured out the first part and the second part......
Oh really? How sure are you?   :P[/color]
Posté par microuniversity
 - 15 Janvier 2007, 22:17:26
I've figured out the first part and the second part, but I'm stuck on the third part. The first and second seemed rather obvious but this one is not showing itself the way the others have. Can someone give me a hint? Pretty please?