
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par [**Double-Edged Sword**]
 - 13 Mars 2007, 02:22:14
Citation de: NerdCompletely lost with the level. Does the z****.jpg file have to do with anything? I cannot comprehend what the forum is trying to say.
Definatelly. ;)

Last edited by [**Double-Edged Sword**] (2007-03-13 02:22:54)
Posté par Fenix
 - 13 Mars 2007, 00:36:29
Citation de: NerdCompletely lost with the level. Does the z****.jpg file have to do with anything?
Pretty much ;)
Posté par Nerd
 - 12 Mars 2007, 23:43:01
Completely lost with the level. Does the z****.jpg file have to do with anything? I cannot comprehend what the forum is trying to say.
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 -  2 Février 2007, 16:56:28
Citation de: obuchHi, I'm new around here, I got the l*** g**, I found something about some squares and tried to manipulate the file, but nothing seems to be accurate, any hints?
putting those "squares" in the right order will solve your problem. :)
Posté par obuch
 -  2 Février 2007, 16:46:34
Hi, I'm new around here, I got the l*** g**, I found something about some squares and tried to manipulate the file, but nothing seems to be accurate, any hints?
Posté par Kiara
 - 28 Janvier 2007, 21:46:03
Citation de: sophymOk, got the second p****** and figured out the d**********, but now i'm there the only thing i can find is in the s***** there's some things in r** at the top - is this the way forward or is there something else that i'm missing? D********* the g** f*** but not had any joy there!

Pointers please?!

Thanking y'all in advance...
pm me with everything you have done so far and i'll try to help you out :P
Posté par sophym
 - 28 Janvier 2007, 21:23:06
Ok, got the second p****** and figured out the d**********, but now i'm there the only thing i can find is in the s***** there's some things in r** at the top - is this the way forward or is there something else that i'm missing? D********* the g** f*** but not had any joy there!

Pointers please?!

Thanking y'all in advance...

EDIT: never mind, done it! Had a problem with the l*** file so it wasn't doing everything it should... small amount of 'research' had to be done to get the final bits together.

Last edited by sophym (2007-01-29 00:00:42)
Posté par unicell
 - 18 Janvier 2007, 17:02:52
Citation de: KaylerrrrThen I am SOOOOOOO lost.
This is definitely a technique used in some previous levels...
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 18 Janvier 2007, 05:18:11
Citation de: KaylerrrrThen I am SOOOOOOO lost.

description : de·scrip·tion 
1.    a statement, a picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation.
2.    the act or method of describing.
Posté par Kaylerrrr
 - 18 Janvier 2007, 04:51:24
Then I am SOOOOOOO lost.
Posté par giega
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 16:48:50
No WordPad required here.
Posté par Kaylerrrr
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 16:39:03
Do you think if I save it in Word Pad that will give me a description?
Posté par chan
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 06:20:59
Thank you both - I think I may have found what you're talking about, but I'm not sure how to use it. The detail I'm looking at was definitely left intentionally, but it's rather vague. I've saved about 47892748 files to my desktop trying to uncover the meaning of it, if you catch my drift.

Can I PM someone to be more specific?

kRaZyKiRb: Feel free to PM me your notes. Please be detailed!  :)

Last edited by chan (2007-01-17 06:22:04)
Posté par rootbeer
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 06:07:13
Citation de: chanAlright, I really don't want to get into the habit of asking for help on this forum every time I run into trouble, but ... it's just too much zappa for me. Can someone give me a hand?
I think I am on the right track, so I'll give you a hint... I understand what your saying as I too was baffled and stomped at that part...
Find a deeper description ;)

Last edited by rootbeer (2007-01-17 06:09:17)
Posté par kRaZyK!Rb
 - 17 Janvier 2007, 06:06:53
Citation de: chanAlright, I really don't want to get into the habit of asking for help on this forum every time I run into trouble, but ... it's just too much zappa for me. Can someone give me a hand?
We are here to help out those in need, but only if the needy know what kind of help they need.
So please tell me, what is your need?  :)