
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Résumé de la discussion

Posté par bobsmiththethird
 - 13 Juillet 2007, 19:24:28
ba-bump, im not helping people its I who need help this time please heh.
Posté par bobsmiththethird
 - 10 Juillet 2007, 07:12:14
sigh, I have all the files, and I even understand the first, I play violin and im fairly certain I know whats being said and what it really means, however in my attempts to solve it I get only nonsensical words, could it be that im going about it wrong?  or do I just not fully understand whats being said.
Posté par haikai
 - 26 Juin 2007, 18:39:24
yeah, for me too.

I have all files but I don't understand the first. I need understand what she say or I can find the answer without understand the first file?
Posté par mave
 - 26 Juin 2007, 02:07:03
[spoiler]i have do all the th***s and i have all the f***s and the problem is on the first file that i don't understand the important part. i just understand the beggining and the end of the file! i'm angry![/spoiler]
if somebody could help me i appreciate that.

Last edited by mave (2007-06-26 02:09:35)
Posté par mmrk923
 - 21 Mars 2007, 22:54:39
Well, I have all of the
in the lyrics all laid out. They dont mean anything to me. The only thing i can actually derive are how most of the letters are
[spoiler]no*** for mu***[/spoiler]
Last edited by mmrk923 (2007-03-21 22:54:50)
Posté par 3.14
 - 10 Février 2007, 19:16:14
Symphony has a name?! *whacks head on desk* Okay, NOW I'm lost.
Posté par 3.14
 -  9 Février 2007, 23:51:06
I have no idea how to solve this level. I've done everything I can think of.

[spoiler]I translated the song, p***ed the l****rs...[/spoiler]
Could somebody help me out? I'm lost as to how to get going again. Just a nudge? (Please?)

Last edited by 3.14 (2007-02-10 01:24:44)
Posté par etjaipleure
 -  1 Février 2007, 22:29:57
I passed them but it wasn't my computer. It was a PC. And I had to have help with downloading them. I have a Mac. I can't get them :(
Posté par giega
 - 26 Janvier 2007, 22:45:50
You passed previous levels, right? You had to download files before. So now try to download them again on your computer. The problem could be somewhere else rather than Ouverture Facile...
Posté par etjaipleure
 - 26 Janvier 2007, 22:05:33
Yeah, that's the problem. I can't download or open any files that are from the game. I click on things...but nothing happens.
Posté par giega
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 21:19:24
iTunes?  But you have to get the files first. ;)
Posté par etjaipleure
 - 25 Janvier 2007, 21:16:21
I need some help knowing which software to use for Mac. I can't open files or listen to music or download or highlight or anything. I have the new MacBook, OS X. I am on level 64. I have been using a friend's computer but now I am using mine and not sure what to use.
Posté par devlin_123456
 - 10 Janvier 2007, 16:48:28
help, i got the ***s and letters but soemthing isnt clicking!
Posté par bbalint85
 -  7 Janvier 2007, 17:48:53
I've got all the f***s too, wrote down the le****s and I'm getting nowhere.
I got it now. thanks for the help giega!

Last edited by bbalint85 (2007-01-07 21:42:24)
Posté par giega
 - 22 Décembre 2006, 17:56:43
Somehow I have guessed the answer, but I did not solve it or understand why....