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Level 19

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:06:17

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Citation de: JHollaYou need a monitor that has sufficient brightness for this one (as well as for several other levels).  The answer was quite obvious on my laptop; however, on another monitor, the solution was impossible to find.  Adjust your brightness or just find a different display and then search again.  You'll find it.
My brightness adjustments are broken on my monitor.  Am I looking for s******* or am I looking for something entirely different that the brightness would affect?


Citation de: viker
Citation de: JHollaYou need a monitor that has sufficient brightness for this one (as well as for several other levels).  The answer was quite obvious on my laptop; however, on another monitor, the solution was impossible to find.  Adjust your brightness or just find a different display and then search again.  You'll find it.
My brightness adjustments are broken on my monitor.  Am I looking for s******* or am I looking for something entirely different that the brightness would affect?
Pay the above statement no mind. It was made by a naive player, who thought he had it all figured out, so early in the game. I can assure that ANY monitor will do just fine for ANY level!! Just remember, there's more than one way to skin a cat!  ;)




i found the needle in the haystack, but now i don't know what i'm supposed to do
this doesn't make sense. :(



When you find a needle do you just throw it back in the haystack before giving it a good hard once over?

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