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Level 62

Démarré par Swan, 13 Décembre 2006, 12:54:00

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edit: wow as soon as I ask for help it hits me


Last edited by bobsmiththethird (2007-05-28 18:35:48)


I'm happy for you, but I still need help...


Citation de: amesbrI found something about the "little word" that has to do with some complicated math involving d*** c******s.  Is this the wrong track?  (I hope so...)
amesbr: (btw I just finished this lvl, meaning tyler[bobsmiththethrid] helped me thru it) first of all, the little word has nothing to do with complicated maths. There's really no math or mathematical concepts on this, except graphing.
Secondly, the first line of text is majorly important. Once you get done with the first line of text, all you have to do is decipher the second line, which is where all the juicy riddlin' is at. The first line of text will help you figure out what to do with the second line (and so should my help).


I actually got some extra help with this as well, and I got it, but there's absolutely no way I could have figured out what to do with that second line alone.  I don't how you people do it!


Level 61 made me give up on OF for many months! I came back to it yesterday and finally completed it, but now I'm a little rusty!!
Am cross to realise that the word in the second line doesn't actually mean what it appears to mean - to me it's a function.

Can someone clarify if a comma in a number means a decimal point - e.g. as how most of Europe writes prices e.g. 5,2 would mean 5.2 to the rest of the world? This level is killing me as it looks to be mathematical but can't be!


[spoiler]Yes, in this case 5,2=5.2[/spoiler]


Ok... I'm stuck...

I got quite some things but now I really don't know how to go further... Just wondering, has this riddle got anything to do with the h*** g****.

If it doesn't you probably won't understand what I just said, but just checking...

Besides that I figured out the first line of text, but if I use my method on the second part it just doesn't make any sense...

Any help very much welcome!


Your method may not be sufficient alone. You are probably doing the right thing but you should also interpret your results somehow. Use the clues to find how.

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