
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Level 40

Démarré par Swan, 30 Novembre 2006, 15:13:27

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As usual, misunderstanding led me a wrong way... until I finally made it right, I mean the "point".

kRaZyKiRb: Post Moved

Last edited by unicell (2007-01-14 10:00:07)


Oh my god. I cant believe that I missed that one. Unbelievable. So obvious. :)

phreakymonkey: Moved from help forum.


This one was ok! It was similar to a previous one with subtle differences.


As the pigeon flies indeed :P

Cool level, but I liked #31 better.


well after receiving pm help (thanks Kiara) finished this one. lots of fun :D


A little too overwhelming for me. I had like 10 layers in a photoshop file and was so confused, why isn't miorloclilogpnarhs a word??? But then I FINALLY understood the clue, and then I had the two different sets of colors to through me off. A good challenge, and good 4/5.


I got this, but mainly through trial and error after figuring out only one part of the riddle. I think you should make it clearer that 'ex' on the map means 'example' (I assume this is what it means) as this gave me a headache wondering what 'ex' meant. We don't use this meaning in English, rather, the term "e.g."

I still don't understand the clue and not sure if it's something lost in translation again?!

Added Tue Apr 10 18:07:31 2007 :
OK just got this! Would have thought that if you were supposed to read the text on the m**, it would have been slightly larger.


Nice :D

I was also looking at the word miorlocsomething until I read Swan's clue on the forum. After that it was easy.

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