
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Level 19

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:06:17

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I've got the same problem, no clue what to do with said needle



Alright I found the s****** clue, and I assume by the hints in here I need to apply something from another puzzle.  Most likely reflexion or yin-yang, but I've tried everything I can think of from those and still am not getting it.


I am nearly blind in one eye. Can anyone confirm that you don't need two good eyes to solve this? I can't see stereoscopic images.


No need for two good eyes. It's not stereoscopic.


I hope it doesn't hurt that I make no mistakes to learn from...


Trust me, you've made this mistake plenty of times
Just pay more attention


Does the 'be patient' mean I have to wait for something to happen?  I've been staring at a blank white square for nearly 20 minutes now.



Wrong way... wonder why the flash image is much bigger than the window...


You need a monitor that has sufficient brightness for this one (as well as for several other levels).  The answer was quite obvious on my laptop; however, on another monitor, the solution was impossible to find.  Adjust your brightness or just find a different display and then search again.  You'll find it.


Err, what flash image.  Is there supposed to be an image of something?  I can see the Clue button and the save icon but just a blank white square above that.



You should be seeing an image that looks somewhat like a spiderweb.  Or maybe cotton fibers, but just a really, really close up view.  Try refreshing the image, or maybe reloading your browser.


Mmmm, it seems Firefox likes this level but IE7 doesn't.  I can't see the image using IE7 (which is strange because it's worked fine for all the levels so far), but Firefox shows it.  Oh well back to it.



Sorry but I managed to see the image using IE7.


I can't believe i'm having so much trouble with this one, on it for two days now. I have found the address that others have talked about but are there any other hints people can give aside from being patient and opening my eyes??


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