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Level 21

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:06:48

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Ah, so frustrating! I'm at where it says it was clever...but I've been checking what I thought I needed to check to no avail. Am I overthinking all this or is there something that I'm just not getting?


You just have to check what you thought you need more carefully.


I am horribly lost here!

I have been looking at ****.htm forever and have found nothing. I have gone to all three rooms and closly inspected everything zoomed in with my monitors brightness up and have found nothing.

I have gone to a site that will give me the html source code and have still found nothing (I dont know a thing about html) but I plugged in ****.*** l***, r****, f**** and found nothing.

I dont even have any leads, I dont know where to go, I just feel lost. Ive been looking at it for 1.5 hours (1/2 yesterday and 1 today)

Please give me a hint?


Don't wear out your eyes. Read the thread again, specifically my first post (#2). Think simply, think logically, and remember to check all the places clues can be found.


Ok, i found a pretty key word so far misspelled in the s*****, and ive tried using that but its not working, am I missing something in the p********** that i just dont know what to do.

kRaZyKiRb: Dont just use the word, so yes, you are missing something!

Added Thu 11 Jan 2007 04:32:56 AM CET :
is there are way to change it in the s***** or am i barking up the wrong tree.

phreakymonkey: You can't do that and you don't need to. Think of how you've found other hidden objects before.


Citation de: SArmstr0ng
Citation de: No It Isn't[spoiler]Clue : you must find the source of the error and correct it

That's clever, but no... The error is at the source.[/spoiler]
Could I get a hint for that? :)
It'd do you some good to remember what program these riddles were created in...
Think about what was said in these two posts.


Think back a little. The answer is pretty obvious.


Hi there!

I can't get through this level for 2 days :) I can't go further than this "stream error"..
I know I need a new view, but I can't figure it out what exactly you are talking about. I won't give it up! Maybe another hint would help me :)



Ive read it like a 1000 times, and now i think im just blocked! i know it must be pretty obvious but im just out of ideas and i dont know if the clue means that i have to go back or if the "source" is on that same page...??¿¿ :(


There are few big hints on this thread page. :) You must find the source of the error.


I know I'm on the right track by putting in i********. But that's as far as I can go...I've noticed that s***** is repeated in all the clues. But when I try to view it, I don't see anything unusual. So where do I go? :|


really and truly the most blatant clue is on the 1st page but I will give it again.

"It'd do you some good to remember what program these riddles were created in."


Citation de: Rachelle"It'd do you some good to remember what program these riddles were created in."
I know, these programs are written in flash and I've tried the e******** for it. However, I have found nothing. Any other vague information you can give me?

Edited by: kRaZyKiRb

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