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Level 25

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:08:03

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This is the first time I've had any astonishing amount of trouble with one of these riddles, aside from the computer code stuff... I'm lucky to have friends that program...

I've done what I could with the audio... The clue has been translated... I've been drawing a blank on this one for days...  Any of you still out there????


Citation de: WRAI've done what I could with the audio... The clue has been translated... I've been drawing a blank on this one for days...  Any of you still out there????
The key here, as well as all riddles thus far, lies in the clue.
Understanding how the clue directly relates to each level, will help you find your answer.  ;)

Have you read Bull's comment?

Citation de: BullTranslation can go either way.
Last edited by krazykirb (2007-01-05 07:29:17)


Ive translated just about everything i can think of....french and english. Additionally, i hear a sound clip but i dont think it has anything to do with the clue or does it???? please advise....

EDIT: NVM I GOT IT, i had to translate it further :))

Last edited by devlin_123456 (2007-01-05 16:21:34)


Ok I have no sound on this laptop whatsoever! and Im assuming the audio clip everyone is talking about is essential to move on? doh!


Is the clue an idiomatic expression in French?  I haven't studied French in a while, but still, I do not recall ever seeing that phrase...


This is not an idiomatic expression, only a sentence you can easily translate. Just identify the animal, and wonder why that clue is given in french.


In that case, how is the clue supposedly easier or more meaningful in French?


Um, that's what you're supposed to find out. Read Toma's post again.


I'm getting this one, but it took forever sitting there listening to that strange dying cow noise to figure out why it's important.


this one almost broke my head, I don't even know how I finally figured it out. its important to listen to the sound and think about the title of the page


Oh, I found it rather cute :))

If you're still having trouble, read everyones post again. Everything there is very helpful.


... uhm... I'm lost on that one...~
I just got the sound, edited it and someone says b*** in the beginning... so..
That clue... that its not a "phoque" (s***) and "bip idol" confuses me a little...
I was looking for the band "The Beep Seal(s)" but... that wasn't the answer  too... could anyone kick me in the right way? Another thing that i tried was listening carefully and thinking about the title, but i have no idea what bip idol is .. and google isn't helping at all.T_T


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