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Level 29

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:09:18

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Should I read the writing on the wall?

Last edited by bschiltz (2007-02-01 00:40:41)


Citation de: bschiltzShould I read the writing on the wall?
For the time it took you to write this message, you could have read everything on that wall 5 times! Feel free to read it, but it's not necessary. :)



I just registered for this riddle because I'm pretty sure I got nearly the right "key" but it doesn't work :-

Can I PN someone my answer?



You can PM me, but, you'll have the answer tomorrow :)


MAN this was hard... If the posts about looking through the wall didnŽt help you, try thinking of it as of rebuilding the wall. I hope this is more helpful than confusing :D


The only level that remotely reminds me of this is level 7 with "Satan's message". The easy answers before don't seem to have a connection, and i don't see the significance of "price" rather than "prize". The url of "road" for the next level made me think of yellow BRICK road, but there's not supposed to be any pop culture in the game. Is there significance to the specific bricks that are whited out? Is my goal to "go through" the wall, or to uncover the white bricks?  :(


Citation de: cornio29The only level that remotely reminds me of this is level 7 with "Satan's message". The easy answers before don't seem to have a connection, and i don't see the significance of "price" rather than "prize". The url of "road" for the next level made me think of yellow BRICK road, but there's not supposed to be any pop culture in the game. Is there significance to the specific bricks that are whited out? Is my goal to "go through" the wall, or to uncover the white bricks?  ;)


ok, so there are 8 missing spaces. Does this have to do with the first 8 levels? I really don't know where to begin. I've tried Satan, and message, and all the answers to the first 8 levels, but you can't input numbers. I'm assuming the "easy levels"  means the first levels of the game and not the fake levels I did before this one. Is it something in the url's?

ugh...nvmd....i solved it.......that was so annoying!! It only came to me when i thought of how to get the missing bricks.

Last edited by cornio29 (2007-02-22 05:47:35)


I have used the technique and come up with a nice word (6 letters), but when I type it at the wall, it doesn't work!


A Fire Inside

Citation de: phreakymonkeyMake sure everything's aligned correctly.
couldn't say it any better myself. =]


I was stuck on that too at first. Look more closely and you'll see. One of my favorites so far.



at this moment, it took me more than 2days.
i wanna enjoy this riddles... but now i m a little bit exhausted.

i've read the threads again, and again.
but i have absolutely no idea of it.

is it a matter of distance between the monitor and the eyes???

or Should i find 'OTHER meaning' out of 'closer... things'????

i think i need some berak... ;-(


Are you stuck with the easy ones or have you bumped into a wall?


Citation de: csmarkusAre you stuck with the easy ones or have you bumped into a wall?
Actually i couldn't catch the meaning of your comment when you wrote me.
then Suddenly the 4 letter which is under the 'which is this animal?' question hit me and i got the answer.
Finally i went to the wall through 'the easy several levels'.

BUT now i've bumped in front of the wall, still.  ;-(


NOW.   got it.   ;-)

Last edited by Diredire (2008-05-17 15:33:55)

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