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Level 31

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:09:55

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You don't need to speak a word of French for this. Well, maybe one word...


I think I am at the same point as some of the other posters...
I have found a map.  I have located all of the l******** on the map, including the 3 in the c***.  I have no idea how "sex" comes into it, or if the clue is even needed to solve this puzzle.  I am assuming that if I understand how the l******** in the clue are translated into the 3 l******, then I'll be able to solve this puzzle.  But I can't understand the translation.

Any help appreciated.


This one had me at a crossroads for a while as well...  Just think of all the possible ways that you could describe these locations and try each idea.  You'll tie up the loose ends eventually.


OK, so I've figured out the clue, and used it to translate the thing the bunny points to, and get something that seems like it should be the answer, but it doesn't work.  I've double checked it like 6 times and still get the same (wrong) answer.  Any help would be appreciated.

fuzen akuma

Um... I can't see La Motte on the map... please help


Well, I found the map, and finally understand the clue, but I have no idea how to find the names of the other stations.


Citation de: Hal3000OK, so I've figured out the clue, and used it to translate the thing the bunny points to....
If you've figured out the clue then you're off to a great start, however, no translating is required here.    ;)


I was stuck with this one until I found a better English/French translator that gave me more than one option :)


Can someone maybe take a look at my answer and help me figure out where I went wrong?  This is really bugging me, and I'm guessing it must be something small and silly.  Please help!

phreakymonkey: PM sent.

edit: Okay, I've gotten this same message several times. To anyone who has what looks like a correct answer but it doesn't work, first make sure you're using the map provided, and not one you've found on the internet. Certain sources may be helpful, but may also lead you astray.


Alright, new to the forums. I just started yesterday and was pretty pleased with the pace of my progress except this level just has me stuck.

I've yet to decipher the clue and I think that's hurting my progress. I'm probably being obtuse about it, but nothing has yet jostled my brain into putting the pieces together. I also had some trouble finding the locations on the map but I -think- I found the three from the clue. That's about where I slowed to a halt and can't make any progress. Anyone got some advice or willing to give me a nudge to hopefully get me rolling in the right direction? If not, I'll just have to take a break and try to come back with fresh eyes.



Alright, I deciphered the clue.. Coming back and looking at it after a break definately helped. Now I just have to figure out what locations I'm supposed to be using..


Once you understand where they're located, you'll know your on the right  track. ;)

77 of JC

Is it possible to get a clearer map?  I cannot read any of the place names on it.  I've tried enlarging it but that makes the place names even harder to read.



The map you can get thanks to the clue is perfectly readable. Though you can always ask your favorite search tool to provide you another one.

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