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Level 33

Démarré par Swan, 2 Décembre 2006, 00:10:32

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Does it have something to do with the l****** of the a******* ? It seems like it does, but the numbers dont *quite* match up...

I can't yet work out how specific the clue wants me to be... every combination so far leads to a dead end :(


Well, I'm not really sure what the words you censored are (thank you for being considerate and self-censoring, by the way - makes our job easier. :)), but I think it's safe to say it's incorrect.

The clues are very specific. Perhaps it is you that is being abstract.


HI guys!
I'm stock and need some help if possible...

I tried all combinations of error.15 - didn't work, tried other errors, but got only Error404.

I red info again and again. SOunds like we have to use encription from level 6 on message number 10? Am I on right way here? Or it is too deep? :)

DO I have to read this text or it is not realy neccesary?

Please give some tip?

Thank you...


You arent connecting all of the points that you have come across, It would do you some good to read the previous posts here. #12 and #13 would be excellent clues :)


There's not really any encryption on this level as such, so... you're on the wrong track. :P Read through the thread.


i am not that good in english but i mad it until this level - but now i am totaly stuck - dont know what to do, even where to begin! First time i look in this forum and it doesnt help me a bit :-(
Can u blease give me a hint where to start - i dont understand the hint in post 13 :-(


It only means that it's very simple and primitive solution. Believe me, you've done it before.


Perhaps it has to do with the points and the numbers - but i dont get how :-(


Citation de: futurebreezePerhaps it has to do with the points and the numbers - but i dont get how :-(
The way a 4 year old would do it.



Citation de: GuiseppiIs there any math involved at all?
Nope!  :)



Just something I noticed, and no one here has mentioned yet: Has anyone noticed that this is level 33, when in fact it should have been 32?! Since nothing is a coincidence, I'm sure this will not be either....maybe we'll found out along the way :)!

Hope I'm not revealing something I shouldn't be by saying this. If so, please edit!


Citation de: BeukerJust something I noticed, and no one here has mentioned yet: Has anyone noticed that this is level 33, when in fact it should have been 32?! Since nothing is a coincidence, I'm sure this will not be either....maybe we'll found out along the way :)!

Hope I'm not revealing something I shouldn't be by saying this. If so, please edit!
no... no... this really is level 33 :)

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