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Level 34

Démarré par Swan, 2 Décembre 2006, 00:10:46

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Rules :

- DO NOT post answers, links, screenshots or level's elements. You'll get banned if you spoil the pleasure of others, even if they ask for.

If you request some help :

Don't be too specific but don't be too vague. It's rather hard to find the right way to ask but imagine yourself in a room with other players. You can't whisper and you need to solve a riddle, you have the right to ask for a clue those who have already solved it, but you don't want the other players to find before you. To understand what you're asking for, one should be at the same step. Don't spoil the steps for the others ! You can use metaphors if you want. Show us that you're smart!

Read this topic carefully, your question may have already been asked (and answered). There's no need to ask the same question twice, even if there's no answer.

If you help somebody :

Don't help him too much, don't deprive him the pleasure to find by himself, just guide him on the way without being too specific, using as much images, metaphors and maybe other riddles as you can. After all, you're smart too ;)!

If everybody plays by the rules, things will be much more funny and no one will get hurt.

Write in a correct language, ban SMS style and try to avoid spelling mistakes as much as possible.


this one seems obvious but nothing i can think of exept X to X.


Just look at the clue and what you have to work with. It's pretty straightforward.


I have no clue what to do on this level, I've tried tons and tons of things relating to some past levels and with this picture but I dunno what else to try. It doesn't seem straightfoward to me at all =/



Yes, but I don't know what to make of it. Solving every level again hasn't done me any good even though it went much faster with my notes.


Things are not always what they appear to be. Think again over phreakymonkey's hint just above.


I'm also stuck on this one...

Maybe i'm being to analytical but I can't see anything jumping out.

I have noticed 2 things on the clue page that are different to all the other clue pages.  But cannot correlate them to the Puzzle or the Clue wording either.
There seems to be a relation to the first puzzle, but I just can't think of the answer.

My 2 main tracks of thought are to do with the U** or the G***** A**/M***.

Am I heading down the right path?


Citation de: JadedFireI'm also stuck on this one...

Maybe i'm being to analytical but I can't see anything jumping out.

I have noticed 2 things on the clue page that are different to all the other clue pages.  But cannot correlate them to the Puzzle or the Clue wording either.
There seems to be a relation to the first puzzle, but I just can't think of the answer.

My 2 main tracks of thought are to do with the U** or the G***** A**/M***.

Am I heading down the right path?
The beauty of Ouverture Facile is that no path is a wrong path. Having more than one train of thought only helps you decipher the next clue even easier. Explore both your options and see where they lead!  :D


Citation de: krazykirbThe beauty of Ouverture Facile is that no path is a wrong path. Having more than one train of thought only helps you decipher the next clue even easier. Explore both your options and see where they lead!  :D
I Got it... You're right, by having a few different trains of thought I realised that it was ... wrong ... and i had to make it ... right:)

On to the next!


I'm really stuck here too -- I've tried rotating the picture but nothing's jumping out at me -- the title implies that you should ignore the hint, unless I should take it more literally?  All I need is a bit better hint :).  I know what the U** was in the above message, but not the G****** A** :) -- Can someone PM me with what that is -- maybe that's the hint I need...


sethmeisterg, I am in the same boat as you it seems.  I have tried everything I can think of (nearly).  I have tried a lot of graphic manipulation, with no results.  I also noticed the U**, and tried typing in all the obvious .htmls that this suggests, but none worked.  I've read and reread the clues and advice above.

The one thing I didn't do is solve every level one more time.  I don't think I have the patience to do them all over again, and if that is what is required then I will move on to something else... Someone please confirm that this is not what is required.


Maybe you have to do that, and maybe not... anyway, I guess this wouldn't be useless. And remember, Ouverture Facile is not a race ; sometimes coming back on its steps allows to jump further, especially if you are able to remember each place you visited. So once again, take notes!

PS : Look at the page title, look at the clue... anything can be an hint... or not ;)


ok. I know I've seen this grid before, and I know where, and I can get back to it. Check.
I've tried various attempts to recycle... things... answers... (one way which I thought was particularly clever, but obviously incorrect. Grin)
Some graphical pasting too, from some other previous levels has only proven my noobosity.
I haven't been able to incorporate the Title or the Clue (which I don't intend to take exactly literally because a) very little of this game has proven to be literal at first glance, and b) I think I know what it's trying to tell me anyway), although I have noted a possible link between the two (but again I might be making things to clever for myself)
More thinking ahead...

15:10: A lesson in humility. Thankyou

Last edited by Dave (2007-01-11 05:10:58)


The clue is especially important, make sure you look at everything that you have been taught to do when you start a new level.

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