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Level 38

Démarré par Swan, 2 Décembre 2006, 00:11:53

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hey, I think I'm on the right track here, just want to know if I have everything I need or is there more? could I get some help so I know I'm not going down the wrong road here? thanks

kRaZyKiRb: PM me with your notes (Be extremely Detailed) and I'll be glad to help you out.  :)

Mr Soija

Two sound familiar, but I don't know what they are :D

Well, I'm going to bed, cuz it's 04:20 :o

Last edited by Mr Soija (2007-01-11 04:21:37)


I was confused too until I realized that the first file was giving me another more subtle clue in addition to the key. Go back and listen to the original w****.*** again, and think about your process in deciphering it.

Mr Soija

I've found them all, I think, and I thought I knew what to do with the names I got, but I'm stuck.


You've already done this before. You're probably just not looking at it right. See you at 39 ;)

Mr Soija


Citation de: Mr SoijaI still haven't got a clue. :s
PM me your notes (Be VERY detailed) and maybe I can give you a hand!


Crikey. Okay, the key was very eloquent, cheers for that.
Ihe actual puzzle itself, I'm pretty sure I have it pointing in the right direction, and I know 1 and 4. 3 and 5 I had narrowed down to a few different options, but I've exhausted them all. 2 I have just been trying everything against all my options for 3 & 5 until I found the answer, but it appears I'm barking up the wrong tree :(


This is a puzzle where it might pay to consult a friend or family member. There's nothing too obscure here, though. PM myself or another moderator if you're really baffled.


Indeed. I've been playing it at work and a bunch of us have had an amusing time trying to guess what the stuff might be ;)


There's nothing hidden in the key. 'Process' is the key word.

But that may not even be relevant to your situation. I just recall being somewhat confused until I changed something simple.

Mr Soija

Is there anything I'm missing that there won't be further comments?



I got to the intended file, but I can't save it to *wink* try something else with it. I think I know what to try it's just my computer won't let me save it. Any ideas?

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