
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Level 31

Démarré par Swan, 30 Novembre 2006, 14:08:01

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I figured out the clue with no problems but then I couldn't find what I was looking for to solve the level.  With Toma's post in the help section I finally got it.  Great level!

Last edited by Proteus (2007-01-18 15:14:31)


Great level!! Very creative! It's crazy to think that so many things can be tied in together from our daily lives! :)


The hardest part of this level is to solve the clue.  You actually don't need the map to solve this clue (just have to google the right page).  I couldn't find the map that is supposedly provided.

kRaZyKiRb: Post moved.


This level had me absolutely insane.  When the sage points at the moon is a good hint, but a bit misleading.  The true sage points and searches simultaneously.

phreakymonkey: Moved.



Absolutely my favorite so far (out of the first 37). Bravo. Very inventive, many layers, requires a good bit of research, very hard but perfectly fair. I love it.


this one was fun. but danm I kept staring at the Wise Man's hand instead of the moon.


Pretty annoyed at wasting 4 days on this! I found out it was impossible to do on my monitor. If I'd used a different one I would have done this in 11 minutes...! Please could you give advice on correct monitor calibrations where necessary?

Out of interest, I thought my "solution" was pretty good.. I thought the rabbit was pointing to the "porte" so the list of stations was all the "portes"...


Really creative and fun once I figured it out. That was once I figured it out though! That damn wascally wabbit! Why would his hand do such a thing?? I was so confused why my mouse kept turing into" alt=""/>... I wish there was a bit more of a connection between the wabbit and what he does, but meh. 4/5


This level was terrible for me. I use a laptop so I wasn't able to notice the letters on the screen. In my opinion this level is incorrect and badly designed. Should delete from the game.

Last edited by giega (2007-04-28 23:15:24)


I think these "dark messages" tend to be boring. It's OK if there is some clue for it as in a previous level (TV),
but I found this one totally pointless. I use a dark monitor because I hate when snow white pages burn my eyes :)
After I found the words it was pretty straightforward and that part was OK.


Drudgery... I wasted one hour of my life staring at that map and looking for those stations... a bit boring... :)) But I enjoyed it... Peering into monitor is better than doing homework!


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