
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Level 55

Démarré par Swan, 7 Décembre 2006, 12:40:41

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I got the 'almost'  page...but is it helpful to find the next page?

I've no idea now, please give a hand...


Citation de: >_<I got the 'almost'  page...but is it helpful to find the next page?

I've no idea now, please give a hand...
If you got almost, then remember what you're dealing with.


Citation de: mattzerlandSomeone help me out.
I put in the h** c*****, and got ***.***
I got advice from someone that you use 2 letter from one of the f***s, so I put it in and got c***.***, and went to the first half of it, and What it seems I h ave to do, is find that c****'s h** c*** and put that in.
this is where i'm up to now. trying to translate appearances into a specific value is proving.... i mean i can look at it and say "That's blah" but getting the exact version of it is entirely different...

Edit: Ahhh, nevermind, provided list of tools can actually do more than I thought it could (wish I'd figured that out earlier) :)

Last edited by Dave (2007-02-08 03:20:00)


If you get stumped at the "almost" page and you can't figure out at all what to do, think of how you found the first
and then it's easy street from there. If, however, you read this help are are still stuck, you probably didn't do the begining correctly and can't understand where the '*' came from. Find out why you should've logically used the '*' and then the jump from 'almost' will be a breeze.

Last edited by giega (2007-03-05 15:58:17)

Don Corleone

After almost two years I come back, start game from the beginning, and now I'm stuck!
I think that I'm on right track here... But...
I read all posts here... and after all I have same problem.
OK. No clue for this one... It's already known that this is H** C***** codes... I check codes in PS and online... And when I type ***.*** there comes well known "Error 404" page... (nothing useful in source) :)
Help... Maybe, my (PS) decoding is wrong... or maybe I'm missing something.
Thanks in advance.

Doup! :)

Last edited by Don Corleone (2009-03-20 20:57:01)


Does this involve somehow combining c*****? The only way I can think to do that would be to convert everything to binary first, but even then I wouldn't know what operator to apply. Everyone seems to have gotten letters out of that grid but I can't think of how that can be done.


hydralisk, did you see the red lines on the grid ? Maybe they are useful, and maybe other stuffs are ! ^^

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