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Level 33

Démarré par Swan, 2 Décembre 2006, 00:10:32

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Jai spencer

Am i supposed to be confused by this? Which level is this anyway!




The clues are all given here.  You just need to connect them.


Citation de: giega wrote:

futurebreezePerhaps it has to do with the points and the numbers - but i dont get how :-(

The way a 4 year old would do it.

Excellent post ;)

Her Favorite

Does this involve using Photoshop or another image editing software?  Maybe it wouldn't be required...but perhaps to help you?


You could use image editing software, but image editing hardware is far less hassle ;).  There are some good hints here, and 4-year-olds don't tend to be great with Photoshop.


MS Paint is all you need - or the "hardware" mentioned above!


The clue reading "are you missing the point?"  What you actually mean ****************** ?

Toma : This reveals too much... which means you're on the right way.*

Ah I see, I wasn't sure at first if it was deliberate...Interesting use of language.


Everything is always deliberate on OF, everything has a purpose and a raison in all of the riddles.
(...but bare in mind that the riddles are translated from french, that could explain the...)

Citation de: inspector_rebus[....]...Interesting use of language.

Last edited by jeffw (2007-06-14 12:50:30)


hehehehehe, nice level
it took a while, but, great clues above... ;)

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