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Level 29

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:09:18

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You finaly get that the csmarkus's question was a nice way to guide you. :)

Now that you're in front of this wall you can read this thread again. On my opinion you have all the clues you need. My note in post #4 and Toma's post #7 should be sufficients.


I just got the answer, but found that the thread made me more confused.

The ways you used in the easy riddles do not matter.

Just focus on the Clue of the Clue page and remember the levels of the easy riddles are AFTER the wall level.

Last edited by zahmting (2009-03-21 20:10:13)


I am stuck on this from past many hours, I can't get any link through easy riddles...!!! I don't understand, in 1st easy riddle: we need to mention a***** but we write b***, then we get f*****, then e***, then l******, and then we just click on OK, and get bump into the w***, I don't know how to see through the wall using the easy riddles. I noticed the spelling mistake of price, which should be that relevant? Please help me...!!!


No, that's not relevant here I think. Instead, try to see through the wall. Remember one of the rules of thumb of OF: know how you got to a certain level and use the information and techniques from earlier levels.

Also, read through this topic, it pretty much contains all the help you need.
If still stuck after that, PM me.

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