
Due to a bug in the database, I had to restore a backup... I lost the messages posted Tuesday August the 28th and the members who register the same day. Sorry about that.

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Level 31

Démarré par Swan, 30 Novembre 2006, 14:08:01

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don't remember the level, but I think I have to do this.. hmmm

edit: maybe not

Last edited by condensed (2008-01-20 20:55:34)


I totally agree with ferceg and I can understand Aku-Aku's reaction.
I think It's just bad design if some people (those with higher gamma monitors) can solve the level and other people (those with darker monitor settings) cannot. I went to the extreme settings with brightness and contrast and still *nothing* changed on my monitor when the mouse was on the right place. I knew I should have seen some change therefore I took screenshots and used GIMP's difference and subtract layer options to detect the difference - still nothing! Of course, nothing, because I took the screenshots with pressed mouse button... Finally, the highest gamma settings helped.
Once again, I think it's bad design if no hint is present.
Having said that, maybe the black stripe *is* a clue? If so, then it is an excellent level. ;-)

Last edited by csmarkus (2008-04-11 15:01:11)


Good level once I finally spotted *** **** ** *** *** what the sage is pointing.

glouton: WARNING! Do not spoil please.


Apologies - thought this was for people who'd solved the level, but I'll leave the answer out in future!

glouton: no harm done. This thread is indeed for those who solved the level but still someone working on it could come here and read your post. ;)

jeffw: Harsh but fair. :P


Working the equation in the clue out, I found a bit too obtuse, but then this isn't level 3 I guess.
Poor Bugs Bunny though; he's fallen a long way since his fifties heyday, doing train adverts all doped up.  I lost a lot of time on this one worrying about the little critter.


I had to take a look at the actual spoiler for this one. ;)

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