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Level 23

Démarré par Swan, 1 Décembre 2006, 23:07:35

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can someone help me with this maybe somethings wrong with my comp but...

when i put the middle piece...the mil part into the hex editor and combine it with the other part

it fits perfectly and i can make out some lettering but theres still a bunch of grey bars blocking over the majority of the image

how can i get rid of this ive tried everything

a PM would be nice :D


Just an FYI... Some old school DOS people (like me) might be tempted to use a little known feature of the "copy" command to help solve this one. However, it didn't work for me for some reason (I'm guessing Windows/DOS chokes on the binary input).

Instead, I SSHed into one of my Linux servers and used "cat", which worked like a charm.


Citation de: eaglessoarcan someone help me with this maybe somethings wrong with my comp but...

when i put the middle piece...the mil part into the hex editor and combine it with the other part

it fits perfectly and i can make out some lettering but theres still a bunch of grey bars blocking over the majority of the image

how can i get rid of this ive tried everything

a PM would be nice :)


can someone pls tell me the meaning of the middle icon? forgot it and can't find it

*feeling quite stupid*


Figuring out how that piece fits into the puzzle is a rather large part of the riddle!  Play with the Hex Editor is really the only thing I can tell you to do without revealing anything.


i dont really understand do i save the page and access it that way or is there some other way because if i save the page i jst get the images that are on it (hint,save and the background) and another file called emily not all this separate files which you can merge.

Norasus I've got the ***.***...and then  *****.***, of course...but I can't figure out for the life of me what ** is.  I've tried everything I can think of...can I get a PM hint?  Or a list of extensions...I found one, and tried everything I thought it could be, but none worked...

aka Forgotten


Citation de: I've got the ***.***...and then  *****.***, of course...but I can't figure out for the life of me what ** is.  I've tried everything I can think of...can I get a PM hint?  Or a list of extensions...I found one, and tried everything I thought it could be, but none worked...

aka Forgotten
The best clue lies in the level itself! Not only does it tell it what needs to be done but it also shows you!!  ;)


I guess i have to join them both on hex but i just dont know how to...i mean after i put one in how does the other one is supposed to help i cant get anything out of it!!! :(


Citation de: kRaZyKiRbThe best clue lies in the level itself! Not only does it tell it what needs to be done but it also shows you!!  ;)
As well as where ;)


pls i need some help with this, i already have **.*** and ***.*** and i saw the *****.*** but i donŽt know what to do with the hex, anyone can help me?

kRaZyKiRb: do you understand what a hex editor is for? If not look it up!
Once you do, it'll all be clear!  ;)


Took the first part of ***.*** and copied it to the first part the ***.***, and took the second part of ***.***and copied it to the end of ***.***....

But it still doesnt work, could really need a hint.




Ok...I am having problems with this one. Could someone PM me? Maybe give me some hints. I am having trouble with the hex. I read the tutorials link on here and it kind of makes since but *****.*** is not showing up.

kRaZyKiRb: Well, anyone can PM you but, we still don't know what's your issue!  :)

Last edited by bve32k (2007-01-19 01:39:45)


I don't know how to explain it without actually giving stuff away.

Am I trying to finish the image?

Last edited by bve32k (2007-01-19 02:48:59)

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